
ChatGPT Advanced Prompting

Website Visitors:

write about email, essays, articles

suggest few research questions on the topic: Climate change and sustainability

Now, score all the questions you listed earlier.

Based on the score and your general assessment, which research question will you suggest and why?

Create a step by step detailed plan to conduct research on this question including writing the research report.

From there, ask chatgpt to give more detail on the points in step 1 and the points in step 2 and so on….

marketing design and innovation

math problem solving

for verifying if your answer is correct, post a question first, that you ll provide a question, and you’ve solved it, ask it to resolve the question and then verify if your solution is correct.

Learning with ChatGPT

Ask chatgpt: Hi, I am a software engineer and want to learn technical content writing skills.

Next, ask chatgpt again to generate resources: What are some good resources to learn technical writing?

As we cannot learn from all the resources, ask chatgpt again: Among these several resources compare each one of them with detailed and suggest best resources each one of them and why?

You could ask again, what are some of the common mistakes in technical writing?

Describe these mistakes in detail with examples.

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