Alias in Git Bash Console
Detailed explanation on how to setup shortcuts in git console
Website Visitors:What is an Alias
Alias are shoutcuts that you create to commands and run them in console. In Git console you can create such commands with alias
keyword and use them in the console when you need to run that command.
Creating Alias
In your terminal, you have to specify alias AliasName=command
to create an alias. Ex: alias gm=git checkout master
. Drawback in using this alias command directly on git console is, if you close the console that alias will also be removed.
To overcome this issue, you have to use that same alias command in bash_profile file as explained below.
If you are using windows machine, goto c:\users\USERNAME\
folder and create a file called .bash_profile
. If you are using a linux machine, goto your home folder which is /home/userid/ or just run cd ~
in your terminal to move to your home directory and create a file called .bash_profile
or .bashrc
open that file and add below command to create alias.
alias gm=git checkout master
That’s it. From now on, in your git console when you run gm
command it will run git checout master
command. You can also verify the alias by running alias
command in the console. It will list all the aliases set on the machine.
For example, if you want to run a local hugo server, you’d normally run the command, hugo serve -e production --bind x.x.x.x
. Using this, you can access your hugo site using that ip address:1313 on your local network devices. If you want to set a shortcut for this, you can set as,
Removing Alias
If you’d like to remove an alias that you’ve set, you have to use the command unalias
followed by the alias name. Ex: unalias gm
. This will remove the alias called gm from your machine.
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In this article, we’ve explained how to create an alias in git. We’ve also demonstrated examples for all the topics that are discussed in the article.
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