
AVD Load Balancing

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Load Balancing in Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)

Load balancing in Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) refers to the process of distributing user sessions across available virtual machines (VMs) in a host pool. This ensures optimal use of resources, prevents overloading any single session host, and maintains a smooth user experience. Proper load balancing is crucial for maximizing performance, improving resource efficiency, and reducing costs in AVD deployments.

Azure Virtual Desktop provides two main load balancing algorithms:

1. Breadth-First Load Balancing

The breadth-first load balancing algorithm evenly distributes user sessions across all available session hosts in the host pool. It attempts to spread the load across multiple virtual machines to avoid overloading any single host, even if that host is capable of handling more users.

Key Characteristics:
  • Session Distribution: New user sessions are spread out across all available session hosts. For example, if there are three VMs in the host pool, the first session will go to VM1, the second to VM2, and the third to VM3, ensuring an even distribution.
  • High Availability: This method helps ensure that no individual session host gets overloaded, improving the overall reliability and availability of the virtual desktop environment.
  • Efficiency: Ideal for scenarios where the virtual machines need to remain powered on to support a large number of users. It helps avoid bottlenecks by keeping all session hosts active and available.
Use Cases:
  • Large User Bases: Best suited for host pools with a large number of users and a high volume of concurrent sessions.
  • Consistent Workloads: Useful for workloads where users have fairly consistent resource needs, and the focus is on maintaining performance and availability.
  • Prevents any single virtual machine from becoming a performance bottleneck.
  • Spreads user load evenly, reducing the chances of VM saturation.
  • Ensures that multiple session hosts are active, promoting high availability.
  • Can lead to higher costs if all session hosts need to remain powered on, even when demand is low.
  • May be inefficient during low usage periods, as it keeps more session hosts online than necessary.

2. Depth-First Load Balancing

The depth-first load balancing algorithm fills up a single session host with user sessions before moving on to the next one. New sessions are only assigned to the next session host when the first is at capacity or has reached a predefined session limit.

Key Characteristics:
  • Session Consolidation: This method consolidates as many sessions as possible onto a single VM before distributing the load to other hosts. For instance, all users will be assigned to VM1 until it reaches its capacity, after which new sessions will be assigned to VM2.
  • Cost Efficiency: Ideal for environments where reducing costs is a priority. It minimizes the number of active session hosts, which can reduce Azure compute costs since fewer VMs are powered on during low-demand periods.
  • Scalability: Once the first session host is fully utilized, additional VMs are scaled up to accommodate more users.
Use Cases:
  • Cost-Conscious Deployments: Best for organizations looking to minimize costs by reducing the number of active virtual machines.
  • Variable or Low-Demand Workloads: Works well in scenarios where demand fluctuates, as it only activates additional session hosts when necessary.
  • Reduces costs by keeping fewer VMs powered on during periods of low demand.
  • Optimizes resource usage, especially in environments with unpredictable or fluctuating user demand.
  • Simplifies management by focusing user sessions on fewer virtual machines.
  • Can overload individual session hosts if not carefully managed, potentially degrading user performance.
  • Less redundancy during peak times, as some VMs may experience heavier loads than others.

Load Balancing in Pooled Host Pools

Load balancing is most relevant to pooled host pools, where multiple users share the same session hosts. In this scenario, selecting the appropriate load balancing method ensures optimal performance and cost management.

  • Breadth-First is generally used for environments where maintaining high availability and balanced performance is critical.
  • Depth-First is favored when cost savings and efficiency are prioritized over uniform session distribution.

Choosing the Right Load Balancing Strategy

When deciding between breadth-first and depth-first load balancing in Azure Virtual Desktop, consider the following factors:

  1. Cost Efficiency:

    • Use depth-first to reduce costs by minimizing the number of active session hosts during periods of low demand.
    • Breadth-first may increase costs because it keeps more session hosts active, even when demand is low.
  2. Performance and Availability:

    • If you need high availability and consistent performance, breadth-first is better since it evenly distributes sessions across multiple VMs.
    • Depth-first can lead to potential performance degradation if a session host becomes overloaded before the load is balanced across additional VMs.
  3. Workload Type:

    • Breadth-first works well in environments with steady and predictable workloads, where users need stable performance across all session hosts.
    • Depth-first is better suited for environments where workloads fluctuate, and the organization wants to reduce costs by only scaling up VMs when demand requires it.


Effective load balancing in Azure Virtual Desktop ensures that user sessions are distributed in a way that meets the performance, availability, and cost objectives of the organization. Choosing between breadth-first and depth-first load balancing depends on your priorities—whether you value balanced resource usage and high availability, or you’re focused on cost savings by minimizing active VMs. Understanding the differences between these load balancing strategies helps ensure that your AVD environment operates efficiently while meeting the needs of your users.

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