
Accessing Local by flywheel Website on Local Network

Easily share and test your website using Local by FlyWheel

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Have you ever tried to install WordPress locally and found yourself struggling with the technical details of configuring a server environment? Local by Flywheel is a solution to this problem. It is a user-friendly tool that enables web developers to set up a local server environment, install WordPress, and create a website without the need for advanced technical knowledge.

What is Local by flywheel

Local by Flywheel is a popular tool used by web developers to create and manage local WordPress websites. The tool allows you to easily set up a local server environment, install WordPress, and create a website without the need for advanced technical knowledge.

One of the features that Local by Flywheel offers is the ability to access your local website from other devices on your local network. This can be particularly useful if you are working on a website that needs to be tested on different devices, or if you need to share the website with other team members.

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to access your Local by Flywheel website on your local network.

  1. Download and install local by flywheel software in your windows pc.

  2. Open local by flywheel and create a new site (Ex:

  3. Access your website on the same machine where you have installed local by flywheel software.

  4. Note down the ip address of the machine where you have installed local by flywheel software.

  5. On remote machine, open hosts file and create an entry with the ip address of the machine where you have installed local by flywheel software, and your local website. Hosts file will change as per your remote machine operating system. For linux and macbook, it should be /etc/hosts. For windows navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder and open hosts file with notepad. Create an entry like shown below and save it.

  1. Open browser in your remote machine and open the URL. This will open the website running from local by flywheel software in your remote pc browser.

Alternate Solution

If you have local dns server running in your environment, you can also create a dns entry pointing to the ip address of the machine where you have installed local by flywheel software to your website name.

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In this tutorial, we’ve explained how to access local by flywheel website on local network. We hope you have learned something new in this article. Please feel free to share your thoughts about this article in the comments section below.

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