Software Architecture Tiers Explained

One Tier, Two Tier, Three Tier, N Tier architectures explained

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Multi tier, one tier, two tier, and n tier are important architectures for organizing data and applications. They offer different levels of scalability and flexibility so that organizations can take advantage of the benefits of multi-tier architecture in different ways.

Multi-tier architectures involve multiple layers in order to provide access to applications and data. Each layer contains a specific set of components that handle tasks such as data storage, application deployment, and user authentication. These layers provide a more efficient way to organize data by separating it into distinct tiers that can be deployed independently.

One-tier architectures allow users to access all necessary components from one single layer, while two-tier architectures divide the components into two separate tiers and enable access only through the second layer. N-tier architectures are more complex than one or two tiers as they involve multiple layers and even multiple machines which contain various components like databases, web servers, application servers etc.

Software architectures/frameworks consists of One Tier, Two Tier, Three Tier and N-Tier architectures. Tier can also be referred as Layer. Before we get into different tiers like one tier, two tier and so on.. let’s understand the basics on tiers. They are Presentation tier, Application tier, Data tier.

  • Presentation tier

  • Application tier

  • Data tier

Main benefit in designing application in this three-tier architecture is each tier runs on its own infrastructure and each tier can be updated/modified by separate teams and can be updated as needed without any impact to other tiers. Let’s look at all these tiers in detail.

Presentation tier is the front end interface where the end user interacts with your application. This tier’s main use is to display information to user and collect data from user. This can be a web browser or a GUI application. For example, web applications are developed using HTML, CSS and desktop applications can be written depending on the OS etc…

Application tier is also known as middle tier or logic tier. Information collected from presentation tier is processed in this application tier. Sometimes information collected from presentation tier is passed to data tier for processing. It can also add, delete or modify data in data tier. Application tier is developed using Python, Java, PHP and communicates with data tier using API calls.

This is where information is processed by the application. This can be a rdbms such as mysql, mariadb, oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL server, or a NoSQL Db like Cassandra or MongoDB.

One-tier architecture refers to a software architecture in which all of the components, such as the user interface, business logic, and data storage, are combined into a single layer or tier. This means that all of the functions are performed on the same physical machine or server. This type of architecture is also known as a “monolithic” architecture. Applications such as MP3 player or MS office comes under one-tier application. Data is stored locally on the machine or on a shared drive.

Two-tier architecture is a type of software architecture where a client communicates directly with a server, and the server is responsible for performing all necessary tasks to fulfill the client’s request. In a two-tier architecture, the client and server are typically separate programs that run on different devices, and communication between them is typically done over a network using a protocol such as TCP/IP. The client is typically a user interface, such as a web page or a desktop application, while the server is typically a database or other back-end system that stores and manages data.

Three-tier architecture is a software design pattern that separates an application into three main components: the presentation layer, the business logic layer, and the data access layer. The presentation layer handles user interface and user input, the business logic layer contains the core functionality and rules of the application, and the data access layer manages data storage and retrieval. This separation of concerns allows for greater flexibility, scalability, and maintainability of the application.

In three tier application architecture, all communication goes through application tier. Presentation tier and Data tier cannot communicate directly with each other.

Multi-tier and n-tier architecture are both methods for designing and structuring software applications in a layered approach, with the goal of separating concerns and increasing scalability, maintainability, and security.

Multi-tier architecture typically refers to a three-tier structure, where the application is split into three main layers: the presentation layer, the business logic layer, and the data access layer. The presentation layer is responsible for handling the user interface and user interactions, the business logic layer handles the processing and manipulation of data, and the data access layer is responsible for communicating with the database and storing and retrieving data. This structure allows for a clear separation of concerns and makes it easier to modify or update one layer without affecting the others.

N-tier architecture is a software design pattern in which a software application is split into multiple “tiers”, each of which runs on a separate server and handles a specific set of responsibilities. The most common form of n-tier architecture is the 3-tier architecture, which consists of a presentation tier (handling user interface), a logic tier (handling business logic), and a data tier (handling data storage and retrieval). This separation of responsibilities allows for more modular and maintainable code, as well as greater scalability and flexibility.

n-tier architecture takes the concept of multi-tier architecture a step further by introducing additional layers beyond the three traditional tiers. The “n” in n-tier refers to the number of layers, which can be customized to the specific needs of the application. This allows for even more granular separation of concerns and can make the application even more scalable and maintainable.

In summary, both multi-tier and n-tier architecture are methods of designing software applications in a layered approach, with the goal of separating concerns and increasing scalability, maintainability, and security. Multi-tier architecture typically refers to a three-tier structure, while n-tier architecture allows for the introduction of additional layers beyond the traditional three tiers.

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