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What is Wireshark

Wireshark is a network packet analyzer that presents captured packet data in detail, serving as a tool to examine network activities, much like how an electrician uses a voltmeter to inspect electrical cables. It is free, open-source, and widely used for network troubleshooting, analysis, protocol development, and education. Wireshark captures traffic from various network media types such as Ethernet, Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, and more. Users can customize columns, set up packet colorization, and adjust column displays to optimize Wireshark for specific analysis needs.

Customizing Wireshark in Detail

Wireshark, a powerful network protocol analyzer, offers customization options to enhance its functionality and tailor it to specific needs. Here is a detailed overview of how you can customize Wireshark based on the provided search results:

Column Setup

Wireshark allows users to customize columns to display specific information. To customize columns:

  • Click the “+” button at the bottom of the column list to add a column[2].
  • Rearrange columns by dragging and dropping them vertically[2].
  • Edit columns by right-clicking on a column header and selecting “Edit Column”[2].

Packet Colorization

Packet colorization in Wireshark is a useful feature that allows users to emphasize packets based on display filters. To set up packet colorization:

  • Create temporary rules by selecting a packet and pressing Ctrl + a number key or using the right-click menu in the packet detail pane[3].
  • Create permanent rules by accessing the “Coloring Rules” dialog box under Preferences, where you can add, delete, duplicate, or edit rules[3].

Changing Column Display

Customizing column display in Wireshark can enhance analysis. To change column display:

  • Modify the Time column to show date and time in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) for standardized reporting of malicious activities[5].
  • Remove unnecessary columns like No., Protocol, and Length for better focus on specific data during analysis[5].

By customizing columns, setting up packet colorization, and adjusting column displays, users can optimize Wireshark for their specific network analysis needs.

Step by Step

  • Edit/Preferences, Name resolution check box for Resolve Network(IP) address. Now, in the client or local IP you know, right click and select edit resolved name and set a name like client or mylaptopIP etc.. This way you can set hostnames for wireshark ips. This displayed name is only valid till that pcap is closed. You can remove it in the same way you set the name. Just remove the name and hit ok.
  • Create new profile. Bottom right, right click on default and select new. Give it a name and click ok.
  • In the wireshark app, click the magnifying glass (zoom icon) in the app, and click the fourth icon from there. It will adjust the column width and fit everything in screen.
  • Goto edit/preferences. Click on Layout and select a layout you need. Here you can also select a packet diagram. This will show a diagram for each packet.Once you select thiis packet diagram, right click on the diagram and select show field values option. This will pull the values from the packet and show in the diagram. Goto column, create new, name it Delta Time. In the type, select delta time displayed.
  • You can customize time column as well. Goto view/time display format and select the one you want.
  • Goto view/coloring rules option. Create new with name TCP SYN and value as tcp.flags.syn==1. select it and click background at the bottom. Select dark green color.
  • You can create a button for your filter so that when you click that button, a specific filter is run. In the “Apply a display filter” bar to the right side click + button. Name your filter like TCP SYN and add the command like tcp.flags.syn==1. You will see a new button.
  • Expand any SYN request, right click on TCP Segment Len, and click apply as column. This will add that value as a column in the screen.
  • Right click on the default length column and remove it.

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